
Changing the Motto, but Not the Mission

todayFebruary 15, 2013 6

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After a great deal of deliberation it has been decided–we’ll always be a Reading Radio, and we’ll continue to provide The Voice of Print, but have you Heard the Word?.  After consulting with the delightfully creative and innovative team over at HeroFarm, phase one of our fresh new look and sound has officially begun, and thus a new motto is introduced: WRBH– Reading Fine Print.  In three simple words, Reading Fine Print eloquently captures both literally and figuratively what we do and also what we want to convey– that WRBH is dedicated to providing thoughtful, informative, and entertaining programming, and that our staff and volunteers are always striving to improve the quality of our station and enrich the lives of our listeners.    The words that define us may be different and new, but what we stand for is unchanged: our “spoken”  devotion to all of our listening audience. 

Written by: WRBH

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About WRBH

WRBH 88.3 FM, Radio for the Blind and Print Handicapped, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is the only full-time reading service on the FM dial in the United States. At WRBH, our mission is to turn the printed word into the spoken word so that the blind and print handicapped receive the same ease of access to current information as their sighted peers.

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access_time6:00 am - 7:00 am